Can mother's vaccine affect baby? CDSCO to issue alerts

Side effects of a serious nature should be reported to the licensing authority within 15 days. Photo: iStock/triloks

New Delhi: The Central Drug Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) may issue vaccine alerts urging parents to report unnatural responses in babies, immediately after consuming breast milk, to test whether the vaccines received by mothers are causing side effects in children. The procedures for notifying these directives are in the final stage. The guidelines instruct parents to note down the influences of the experimental drugs that are administered to pregnant women even if they don’t exhibit any visible side effects and also to record maximum data.
Side effects of a serious nature should be reported to the licensing authority within 15 days. The drug inspectors entrusted by the state drug regulatory authority should collect the suspicious vaccine samples and send them to the Central Drugs Laboratory in Kasauli for tests. Moreover, the CDSCO insists that there should be specially appointed pharmacy intelligence officers at all the companies that produce or import vaccines. 

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