Sharing a super cool picture of striking a 'wheel pose' aka Chakrasana, actress Kareena Kapoor Khan recently wrote on her page, 'As I fly for the summer, my favourite yoga asana is a must - the Chakrasana to go. #Summer2024 here we come.' Even before, Kareena has posted photos of her performing the pose several times, with her trainer Anshuka Parwani, who also works with those like Alia Bhatt, Deepika Padukone and Rakul Preet Singh. If you are wondering what's the reason for the actor's love for the pose, you should know that Chakrasana has many benefits that will help you with your overall fitness. If done right, it can stretch your spine and chest, strengthen your arms, shoulders and wrist, boost your mood and energy, improve digestion and even increase your lung capacity. 

Here are a few other benefits of Chakrasana:
1) Its deep backbend improves your blood flow, which will ensure better cardiovascular health
2) It can also promote a better sense of relaxation and calm, as it can reduce stress levels by activating your nervous system.
3) Those looking for some better core strength, come this way!  The pose engages your abdominals and obliques, toning the midsection. 
4) Some practitioners believe that it can also improve your skin as it improves your blood circulation and helps in detoxification. 
5) It is also known to alleviate menstrual discomfort in some women, as it releases tension from the lower back. 


Things to remember
Just like in the case of any exercise, do not rush into a move without warming your body or taking proper guidance from a credible expert, as it can result in injuries. Also, do not rush into the final posture forcing your body to adapt quickly, but gradually progress into it starting with modified, easy versions. Do not overarch your neck straining it beyond your comfort level. Listen to your body signals to understand how it's adapting to the pose and don't push through pains mindlessly. Make sure that you are also breathing properly while attempting the pose.