Include fresh ghee in your monsoon diet

Ghee or clarified butter in a rustic cup. Photo: Shutterstock/vm2002

Ghee is an unavoidable ingredient in the Indian kitchen as it adds flavour and aroma to the food. Moreover, ghee is known as a superfood with incredible nutritional benefits. A rich source of vitamins, protein and omega-3 fatty acids, ghee should be included in your regular diet during monsoon. Monsoon is also when viral diseases like flu, fever, bacterial infections, dysentery and other stomach-related illnesses become common. Health experts say that the risk for bacterial infections is higher during monsoon. So, this is also the time to take care of your body by nourishing it with nutritious food. Here are some of the health benefits of consuming ghee in monsoon.

Boosts immunity
Ghee contains a compound called butyrate which helps boost immunity and keeps the digestive system healthy. It is a rich source of antioxidants and has anti-fungal properties too. Ghee helps the body assimilate the vitamins and minerals that break down fat from other food items. You could add homemade ghee to dal, vegetables and desserts.
Improves digestion
Dysentery, indigestion and constipation that cause inflammation in the oesophagus are common during monsoon. Ghee could improve digestion and relax the food pipe. Moreover, it increases the good bacteria that ensure gut health. The good bacteria hasten the assimilation of nutrients and prevent vomiting, bloating and constipation.

Increases metabolism
Ghee contains omega 3 and 6 fatty acids that remove free radicals. Moreover, ghee could increase the metabolism which then leads to weight loss.
Brain health
Ghee stimulates brain activities. It increases memory power and ensures the overall health of the brain. Consuming ghee makes your mind and body stronger and healthy.
Glowing skin
Ghee is made of short-chain fatty acids and vitamins that melt in fats. So, ghee softens the skin and moisturises it. Ghee is also excellent for removing pimples, scars and pigmentation, adding a natural glow to the skin. Moreover, ghee prevents skin dryness and fades the dark circles around the eyes.

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