Fruits are storehouses of nutrients that should be strictly included in your daily diet. However, not all fruits can be enjoyed at all times in a day. Some fruits, if eaten right before you go to sleep at night, could cause more harm than benefit. It could lead to indigestion, weight gain and sleep deprivation. These are the five fruits that should be avoided before hitting the bed.

Citrus fruits
Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit and lemons are acidic. Eating them right before going to sleep may cause acid reflux and heartburn. It would then lead to extreme discomfort and broken sleep. The acidic nature of these fruits could stress the stomach muscles and lead to digestive problems. Having citrus fruits before going to sleep may not be good for those who struggle with acid reflux or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).


Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromalin which aids digestion. However, eating pineapple in huge portions or on an empty stomach may cause stomach-related issues. Bromalin increases the production of acids in the stomach which then leads to acid reflux and indigestion. So, eating pineapple before going to sleep at night may cause indigestion, bloating and gas.

Watermelon is an extremely refreshing fruit as it has high water content. It turns diuretic that increases the amount of urine. So, you may have to visit the loo a few times, disrupting your sleep, if you eat watermelon before going to bed. Besides, it may lead to bloating and discomfort. However, you may experience these issues only if you eat watermelon in huge quantities. The body would then struggle to digest the additional sugar and water.


Mangoes are rich sources of natural sugar and fibre. However, eating mangoes before sleeping may instantly spike the blood sugar level. This would then lead to broken sleep. Besides, the fibre in it causes bloating and digestive problems.

Representative image: iStock/Rommel Gonzalez
Eating mangoes before bed can cause bloating. Photo: iStock/Rommel Gonzalez

Plantains are considered an excellent bedtime snack as it contain potassium and magnesium. However, some people may experience health problems if plantains are consumed in large quantities. The high carbohydrates in them increase the sugar in the blood and boost the energy level too. So, high energy during the night may disrupt the sleep. Meanwhile, plantains that aren’t too ripe may cause bloating and discomfort in some people.