Osteoporosis is a condition when the bone strength weakens and becomes susceptible to fracture. As the bones become quite fragile, it might lead to joint pain and swelling. Osteoporosis is mostly suffered by old people, especially women. Super foods that are rich in nutrients and anti oxidants could help ease the difficulties and reduce the symptoms. These are some of the food items that should be strictly included in your regular diet if you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis.

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Blueberry: The anti – oxidants in blueberries help in reducing inflammation that can cause damage to the cells and internal organs. The nutrient molecules protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals.

Fish: The omega 3 fatty acids in fish can ease joint pain. Those who have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis should consume fish at least once in a week. Supplements like fish oil, flax seed oil, chia seed and walnuts are excellent replacements in case you do not eat fish.

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Green tea: It can help in reducing body weight and inflammation. The anti inflammatory properties in green tea can effectively reduce the destruction of the cartilage.


Orange juice: The vitamin C in orange juice is an excellent remedy against common cold and maintains the health of the cartilage. Studies show that vitamin C supplements can fight osteoarthritis.

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Plantain: Loaded with potassium and magnesium, plantain helps in increasing the bone density. It keeps away constipation. Magnesium can reduce the symptoms of arthritis too.

Tofu: It is rich in soy protein that reduces joint pain and inflammation.

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Peanut butter: The vitamin B 3 in peanut butter can reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis. Including peanut butter in regular diet can improve flexibility and reduce inflammation.


Whole grain bread: Those who have rheumatoid arthritis have high levels of pantothenic acid or Brewer’s yeast in their bodies. Studies reveal that eating whole grain bread can help reduce pain and swelling. Those who have inflammation in joints can consume whole grain bread and cereals regularly.

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Pineapple: The bromelain enzyme in pineapple can reduce inflammation.

Shrimp: Fresh shrimp contain vitamin E that fights inflammation in joints. The vitamin E and anti oxidants can effectively reduce the symptoms of knee osteoarthritis.


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