Here is how to keep away migraine during the harsh summer
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Migraine is a severe throbbing pain, usually on one side of the head. Around 15 – 25% people suffer from this nervous disorder. Studies show that migraine is mostly seen in women. Besides the pulsating head ache that lasts for up to 4 – 72 hours, some people complain of nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound. Interestingly, migraine is the third most common health issue in the world.
Lack of sleep, lack of appetite, over exertion, stress, strong light, loud noises, some smells, hormonal changes, menstruation, dehydration, consuming chocolate, caffeine, cheese, preserved food like meat and pickles could be the trigger for migraine. Weather changes like extreme heat, moisture and standing under the harsh sun too could cause migraines in some people.
Some studies say that summer is when people complain of migraine the most. Here are some tips to stay away from migraine during the sweltering summer heat.
Make sure to hydrate your body by drinking lots of water. It is better to carry boiled and cooled water in a bottle rather than drinking sweet and carbonated drinks from outside. A healthy adult should drink at least 2.5 to 3 litres water every day.
Coffee, red wine, chocolate and cheese could be migraine triggers. Try to eat fruits like mangoes and watermelon and veggies like cucumber and leafy vegetables.
Hat and sunshades
Wearing a wide rimmed hat and sun glasses could save you from migraine attacks. Harsh sunlight could trigger headaches.
Skin care
Do not forget to use sunscreen creams or lotions before heading out. However, make sure to buy fragrance free ones as the synthetic fragrances could cause allergy and irritation in some.
AC settings
Setting the AC temperature at 25 – 27 degrees best suits the human body.
Healthy lifestyle
Following a balanced diet and catching enough sleep are the key to a healthy life. It is important to catch a good night’s sleep to keep away migraine.
Try to stay indoors
It is wise to do workouts or other important errands during the morning or evening when the sun isn’t the harshest. This would save you from dehydration. Do not work out too much outdoors, during noon time.
Stress free life
Try to avoid over exertion by distributing your workload among your peers or colleagues or taking breaks. Get some rest when you feel tired or exhausted. Stressful lifestyle is a trigger for migraine.
How to ease migraine
During migraine attacks, try to rest at a calm place that isn’t lit. Keep hydrating your body as dehydration could worsen the migraine. Rubbing ice packs on the forehead could help you relax. Besides, take the medicines that are prescribed by the doctor.