Query about severe and persisting throat pain:

I am a young man working in the Gulf. While I was still in Kerala, I had some issues related to tonsils. But the pain persists even after coming here. I regularly gargle using warm water mixed with salt after eating food and brush my teeth twice a day. Air conditioners are used at the places where I live and work. As a result I get throat aches in the mornings. I cannot switch off the air conditioners and I sleep by wrapping a piece of cloth around my neck. However, this clearly has not helped. I feel as if I am losing my hearing abilities.



Many have begun realizing that sleeping in AC or in cold conditions may trigger throat pain in the morning. Throat aches are caused by the streptococcus bacteria and may even cause rheumatic fevers and problems to the heart’s valves. If affected, a surgery may be required to rectify it. If you live in a cold country or have to stay in air conditioned places, you may have to wear extra layers of clothing to keep you warm and comfortable. Make sure that your palms are always warm. Woollen clothes, sweaters, socks and mittens could be used. Try to adjust the temperature of the AC to a level which is comfortable to you. You could even move away from the AC vents. You could wear a woolly cap and cover your neck, chin and chest using pieces of clothes or towels.


You must be experiencing hearing loss as the part where ear and throat are connected is blocked. Breathing through the mouth or snoring could make these problems worse.