Role of dining table in making home the 'sweet' home

The dining table plays a significant role in strengthening family bonds. Photo:

The dining room plays a significant role in a house, serving multiple purposes beyond just having meals. It's a hub of family bonding, where shared meals foster closeness and conversation.

Apart from entertaining guests dining room is often the centre of social gatherings. It's also the venue for special occasions like celebration of birthdays, milestones or a point of meetings for important family affairs to simply to languish on a holiday.

Therefore, it's not just the house that needs to be beautiful, but the atmosphere inside them as well. With the increase in Gulf migration and immigration to European countries, a significant percentage of homes in Kerala now house only elderly parents. Spacious dining tables often lie empty. Having said that, I want to share a memory from my childhood.

The reason for recalling this now: Even in today's nuclear families with just two or three children, the habit of father, mother, and children sitting together for meals is rare.

The dining table and the culture of eating together around it play a huge role in fostering warm family relationships. Whether we will ever regain this is uncertain! I only realized the importance and seriousness behind my father's certain habits and insistence after I became a father myself. 

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