Small plot area hurdle to realising your dream home? Need not worry

While there's no maximum area limit for residential buildings on small plots, commercial buildings cannot exceed 200 square meters. Representative image: Kurniawan graphy/

Do you dream of building your ideal home but feel limited by the size of your plot? Are you concerned that after adhering to building regulations, you'll be left with a cramped living space? There's a way. If your plot size is less than 125 square meters (3 cents), building rules (KPBR/ KMBR- 2019) offer relaxations compared to those for buildings on standard plots.

On such plots, you can construct residential buildings (including houses and flats) or commercial buildings up to three floors with these relaxations. While there's no maximum area limit for residential buildings on such plots, commercial buildings cannot exceed 200 square meters. The maximum permissible height is 10 meters, Besides, you can also add a stair room on the terrace.

For these buildings, a front yard of at least 1.80 meters is sufficient. If you cannot achieve 1.80 meters everywhere, an average of 1.80 meters is acceptable as long as there is a minimum of 1.20 meters. A rear yard of 1 meter is enough (An average of 1 meter with the lowest of 50 centimetres will do). The sides require a minimum of 0.60 meters. Parking within the plot is not mandatory for these buildings. There are no restrictions on the road width. Minimum dimensions for staircases, verandas, room heights, and toilet arrangements (as per the building components section) do not apply.

With the consent of the adjacent plot owner, you can build such structures up to the boundary on the rear side, one side, or both. However, no openings (including ventilators) are permitted on those sides. When building along the boundary, the building height should not exceed 7 meters, and the number of floors should be limited to two. However, if neighbouring buildings on such plots obtain permission to build up to the boundary with mutual consent, constructing them as a single structure after obtaining permits would violate building regulations.

There are no specific relaxations regarding the distance to be maintained from the road for these types of buildings. A building line of 3 meters for major roads up to district roads and 2 meters for other roads must be observed. There are no relaxations regarding the width of sunshades. Only a 30 cm wide sunshade is permitted on a side with 60 cm width. There are no relaxations in the distances to be maintained from boundaries and roads for wells, septic tanks, and the distance between them. This benefit will not be available if more than one such plot is in the same person's name.

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