Rakesh, based in Kannur, is running a financial institution in Malappuram. And that’s exactly why he decided to settle down in Malappuram. He first bought a 15-cent land at a housing colony. There are two temples near the plot. In order to blend with the milieu Rajesh decided to incorporate the temple pattern while designing his house. The interior design was handed over to a young designer in Manjeri.


One of the most fascinating aspects of the house is the layered slope roofs that suit the tropical climate. The roof tiles were GI Trussed. There are also ceiling roofs in between.


The family which consisted of husband, wife, and two children specified that the interiors should be such that they shouldn’t feel like stepping out of the house.

The house has been designed by keeping occupants' privacy in mind. One such example is an array of plants bordering the landscape. Apart from the main gate, there is also a wicket gate to the house.


The ground floor consists of a porch, sit-out, formal living, family living, dining, kitchen, work area, two quarters, and two bedrooms. And on the first floor, there are two bedrooms, a study area, and a balcony. In total, the area is stretched over 3100 Sq.ft.


An exposed brick wall separates the car porch and sit-out. There is an inbuilt bench on the elongated sit-out. An indoor plant can also be seen.


The common areas are covered in vitrified tiles. There are also beautiful Athangudi tiles which add to the charm of the interiors. They customized the furniture. The formal-family living areas have been clearly demarcated. A screen separates the family living-dining space.


There is a double-height Dining space with a staircase nearby. The handles are done in MS+ wood finish, which also stretches to the first floor. A study space is also set aside on the first landing of the staircase.


Two striking courtyards are the highlight of the interiors of the house. The main courtyard which can be entered through the dining has a Buddha theme. A Buddha statue has been constructed in the backdrop of a brick ball that stands right in the middle of the courtyard filled with indoor plants and inbuilt benches. It’s an open-roof courtyard. But there are grills for protection. You can’t get a more calming atmosphere than this.


The second courtyard at the back of the house. Here also there is an attached sit-out. Another specialty of this courtyard is the quaint round-shaped window on the brick wall that also doubles up as a seat. There is a metal enclosure at the back of the house. There is also a gate to enter the nearby temple.


The four bedrooms with attached bathrooms and wardrobe spaces have been built keeping privacy and utility in mind.


To cut a long story short, this house is nothing less than a happy retreat for the family.

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