Ward off ageing with this natural cream that can be made easily at home

Advanced glycosylation end-products (AGEs) accumulate over time and contribute to oxidative stress, inflammation, cellular damage and thereby cause wrinkles on skin. Representative Image: Ground Picture/ Shutterstock

Glycation is a non-enzymatic reaction between sugars (eg glucose, fructose) and proteins or lipids, resulting in the formation of advanced glycosylation end-products (AGEs). AGEs accumulate over time and contribute to oxidative stress, inflammation, and cellular damage.

Meanwhile, anti-glycation compounds work on decelerating the ageing process by working against wrinkles and cellular damage. Some of the anti-glycation compounds include Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Polyphenols, Flavonoids, Omega-3 fatty acids, among others. But nature has it own remedy for ageing of skin as well.

Butterfly Pea also known as Asian pigeonwings (Clitoria ternatea), found in our gardens has the potential to reduce signs of ageing. The flower, containing ‘anti-glycation properties’, has the ability to maintain the skin's youthful appearance. It can, to some extent, prevent the loss of skin elasticity that occurs with age.

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, the plant which is called Shankupushpam in Malayalam, can also be used to reduce skin rashes and other problems. Moreover, it also enhances the skin's radiance. Therefore, instead of buying expensive anti-ageing creams, we can make our own at home using Butterfly Pea.

For this, along with Butterfly Pea, you will also need Aloe vera. This can be applied daily on the face to prevent sun damage and pigmentation. When freshly prepared, its effectiveness is enhanced. Aloe vera contains antioxidant and antibacterial properties. It's also an excellent remedy for various skin allergies.

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