Bored of outfits exploring just shades, designs? Try Totem Facts thematic apparel

What is central through all Totem Facts designs is the motive of keeping anew culture and human heritage. Photo:

The fashion world is perpetually abuzz with novel designs and shades that exude artistic grace and flamboyance. However, new designs become outdated within no time. A touch of theme and the designs transcend time. It won't be just about fashion and style anymore. That is exactly what Totem Facts, a design studio, conceptualised and established by a couple of youngsters in Kochi aims at.

The designs are inspired by themes rooted in culture and heritage, ingrained in the history of regions all over the world. As the name suggests, icons, emblems or symbols, which have some spiritual relevance to a particular sect or society, are highlighted as leitmotifs on Totem Facts T-shirts. They invoke artistically curated eclectic traditions ranging from Nangeli (an epochal figure representing woman power in Kerala) to Pink Floyd.


According to Dhanesh Balakrishnan, co-founder and business head of the brand, everything that is art-based is given priority while inventing new designs and not any one particular concept is given focus. "The idea of this business sprouted when we were in college," says Dhanesh and adds, "It was in 2021 when the idea conceived by Midhun Madhav, my partner in the business, was first discussed. We began working on it as soon as we finished the course."

"The designs are developed in a computer first and they are sent for printing at units, which exclusively work on our fabrics," says Dhanesh. The office of the brand is based in Kochi while the materials are procured from north Indian states, mainly Jaipur.


The intricate patterns also include designs spurred by things so dear to us like music and elements of nature, and they are all re-invented through a modern perspective. The brand has also produced merchandise shirts for popular music brands like Thaikkudam Bridge.

What is central through all designs, which the brand has made so far, is the motive of keeping anew the culture and human heritage that had once left an indelible mark on human civilization. The brand promotes its fabrics through the website,

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