Meet Femina Jabbar, the costume designer who just won the state award

Femina says ‘O. Baby’ was the first movie in which she had put in all her efforts. Photo:

“Guys, I am just so overwhelmed; will pick up calls when I am back in senses,” wrote Femina Jabbar on her social media page, after winning the Kerala State Film Awards for best costumes. Femina is on cloud nine as she won the award, quite unexpectedly, for her realistic designs in the movie ‘O. Baby’. Femina suffered many hardships during the filming of this movie to ensure that the characters looked perfect in her costumes. The jury, meanwhile, observed that Femina had been able to recreate the clothes worn by ordinary plantation workers in the high range in an authentic way. Femina speaks to Manorama Online about the challenges that she had faced during the filming of the movie, while expressing her happiness and excitement about winning the most prestigious film award in the state.

The unfamiliar style
“Even though it’s been five years since I started my career, ‘O. Baby’ was the first movie in which I had put in all my efforts. There were many challenges including limitations in the location. It was a small movie which took around 90 days to complete. I spent each day on the set worrying about the next day. So, I am glad that I got the award for this movie. I had spent around three weeks in the region for preparing the costumes of O. Baby. They do not follow the regular dressing style of a Christian family. Usually, we perceive them as wearing a traditional style chattayum mundum. The director of the movie asked me to go there and meet such people. It was only then I understood that their lifestyle and dressing style was different. Moreover, it was a unique style that I hadn’t seen until then. The costumes were prepared by staying with them and seeking their help. I am grateful to the people there as I wouldn’t have been able to do that without their support,” recalls Femina.


Weather and costumes
Femina confesses that the unexpected weather conditions in the region had toppled their plans. The weather was sunny and bright when they visited the location for the first time. However, the weather began changing every two minutes by September, when they were filming the movie. They struggled with lack of natural light, dense mist and drizzles, forcing them to make changes, not just in the costumes of the characters but in art direction too. Moreover, Femina says that it was really difficult to bring costumes to the location, which was at remote place, from outside. Each day posed multiple challenges to Femina who managed to overcome them with her creative spirit and talent. Meanwhile, she doesn’t forget to credit the cast for their incredible support and cooperation for making this project a success.

From writer to designer
It was her love for Fashion that inspired her to become a costume designer. Femina who used to run a bridal boutique had always dreamed of becoming a costuming designer in movies. But, she always thought that she would make her entry in the movies as a writer. Knowing her interest in both fashion designing and cinema, her close friend Shebin Backer, who is one of the producers of Thanneer Mathan Dinangal asked her to design the costumes for the movie.

“I haven’t written anything since I started working as a costume designer in movies. Earlier, I used to write and have even published a book. Now, I have been trying to write a script after talking to some people. I have become more careful while writing after I became part of the industry because now, I think whether it is possible pull it off,” notes Femina.

Bollywood and fashion
Femina decided to learn fashion designing and take it up as a profession as she loves fashion. She was inspired by the stylish outfits that she used to see in her favourite Bollywood movies. However, it wasn’t easy for her to explore fashion in a small town like Chavakkad, from where she hails. “I watched Hindi films only to enjoy the costumes in them. I always look for places that sell good clothes; I do that not for my profession, but because I give importance to fashion.

Cinema is a different space where we are just technicians. Moreover, we work with a group and we often have to select costumes that fits the budget. Cinema is indeed challenging in a way. We need to be a good project manager and be careful not to take anything personally,” notes Femina.

Fantasy costumes
Femina’s biggest wish is to design costumes for a mega fantasy movie like her favourite Game of Thrones or a few Chinese series. Meanwhile, her next project is ‘Perumgaliyattam’.


Uppa’s Femina
It was her beloved father who named her Femina. The award-winning costume designer vows that she has been inspired by women centric ideals from a young age itself. “I am a feminist who is often being called ‘arrogant’. I come from a middle-class Muslim family. It wasn’t easy voicing my opinions in the such a family set up. So, due to my stands, I grew up as someone who isn’t liked much. I assume the role of a ‘head of the department’ in the movies. We face many problems even if the work gets delayed by a day. So, nothing from outside bothers me as I am focused only on my work,” says Femina. 

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