What did Radhika Merchant's bespoke jewellery during pre-wedding ceremony state

Radhika looked like a princess straight out of a fairy tale in her icy blue and silver gown. Photo: ambani_update/ Instagram

The second phase of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s pre-wedding festivities were celebrated on a luxury cruise from Italy to France. While the world was in awe of the exorbitant celebrations, fashion enthusiasts were impressed by bride-to-be Radhika’s sartorial choices. The exquisite necklace with a rare opal centre piece, encircled with diamonds, that she wore for the masquerade party has been the show stealer.

Radhika looked like a princess straight out of a fairy tale in her icy blue and silver gown. The opal necklace complemented the outfit perfectly. The opal surrounded by diamonds was designed by Loraine Schwartz who design luxurious bespoke jewellery for celebrities. There is an interesting reason why Radhika chose this necklace for the event. Opal is her birthstone while diamonds are his. So, the beautiful piece of ornament symbolises the union of their love.

Photo: ambani_update/ Instagram

Meanwhile, Radhika made a sweet gesture by wearing a delicate chiffon gown printed with a love letter that Anant had written her when she was 22. “He wrote me this long letter for my birthday about what I mean to him. I wanted it for posterity, I want to be able to show it to my kids and grandchildren and say that this is what our love was,” Radhika said at the event.

Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant will tie the knot on July 12 in a lavish ceremony at the Jio World Convention Centre. The wedding will be a grand affair that lasts for three days. Celebrities from diverse realms and VVIPs, including several business tycoons, are expected to attend the wedding festivities. 

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