Malayalam's megastar Mammootty is quite adept at surprising his fans by appearing in public in various looks. Mostly, his looks during his such appearances are part of his movie characters, and at times he appears in his real persona as well. Now, what is creating a flutter on social media is a set of images in which he is seen wearing a milky-white kurta and a mundu, and looks ravishingly handsome.

The pictures were taken when Mammootty appeared in the success bash of 'Kaathal - The Core' and 'Kannur Squad'. Mammootty also had a silver bracelet as part of his ethnic ensemble. He was accompanied to the function by his wife Sulfath.

Photo: Facebook/Mammootty
Photo: Facebook/Mammootty

A barrage of comments by netizens followed the images posted on social media, which included messages praising his awesome looks defying age and bestowing good wishes for his future.

With a huge volume of master-piece movies in various languages under his belt, the septuagenarian actor has always been charming the Malayali audience through classy performances over the decades. He headlined several movies released recently, which are both critically acclaimed and box-office hits.

Photo: Facebook/Mammootty
Photo: Facebook/Mammootty

Meanwhile, his latest movie, 'Bhramayugam', which is a black-and-white horror-thriller, has soared to meteoric heights of fame, marking his exceptional performance and the movie's cinematic brilliance.

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