Are planets in your favour for a business? Check out

According to astrology partnership business is better to be discarded when the positions of planets needs to be avoided in certain situations.

Partnership business is a tricky affair. While some joint ventures have turned into huge successes, others have ended up as major failures. There are many stories of businesspersons coming together dreaming big but later developing major differences and part ways. Many of these disputes often turn ugly and end up in court.

In fact, it is a reality that you can never understand another person completely or predict how he or she might act or react in certain situations. But astrology can help you gain an idea of whether a partnership business would work or not and here are some tips.

Favourable positions

The tenth ‘bhavam’ (house) in a person’s horoscope relates to ‘karma’ (work). Partnership business occupies the tenth position in this house. Joint ventures can be launched if the Lord of the seventh house stands together strongly with his own ‘kshetram’ and ‘moola kshetram’. Partnerships would succeed also when the Lords of the seventh and tenth houses are aligned. Similarly, it is favourable when they are placed in the central triangular area. Other good positions for partnerships are when the Lord of the tenth house is in the seventh house and vice versa.

A joint venture with wife as partner would thrive when in the horoscope of a man the Lords of the seventh and tenth houses align and Venus is in a strong position.

Unfavourable positions

However, partnership business needs to be avoided in certain situations. One is when the Lord of the seventh house is in the third, sixth, eight or twelfth positions. The same is the condition when this Lord is present in the enemy ‘kshetra’, demoniac ‘kshetra’ or ‘badhaka’ position. In all these states, partnership ventures are almost certain to fail. However, if these people launch individual businesses, they are certain to prosper.

Other positions

Partnership business with relatives on your mother’s side will work when the Moon and Mercury join with the Lords of the tenth and fourth houses of the horoscope. On the other hand, a venture with friends can thrive when Jupiter and Mercury align with each other and remain strong along with the Lord of the tenth house.

But every entrepreneur has to remember that if God is made a partner in not only business but also in every activity, life would become an overall success.

(The author’s address and contact details are: Krishna Kripa, Mannarakonam, Vattiyoorkavu PO, Thiruvananthapuram – 13; Mob: 9037520325, email:

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