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Last Updated Wednesday December 16 2020 03:37 AM IST

'Soul on a String' review: a karmic journey

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'Soul on a String' review: a karmic journey A still from the movie

Director: Zhang Yang

Language: Tibetan

Loosely based on a story by prominent Tibetan writer Tashi Dawa, Soul on a String follows the adventure trail of a cowboy named Tabei.

An action drama that engages with Tibetan culture and religion at close quarters, the film centers around revenge and redemption.

Gouri and Kodi are brothers and they want to avenge their father’s death by killing his murderer’s son Tabei. While Gouri ends up killing innocent people with the name Tabei, Kodi feels the manhunt would backfire and convinces his brother that they should go in search of their real enemy.

Meanwhile, Tabei, who is a hunter, receives a red stone from a deer he kills. Soon, he dies after being hit by a thunderbolt. However, a living Buddha (Lama) brings him back to life. In return, he asks him to take the red stone Tabei got from the deer to the sacred Palm Print Mountain and cleanse himself of his sins.


Hot on his heels are some unscrupulous traders and a writer. While the traders want the expensive red stone, Zandui, the writer who lives in the future, needs a proper ending for Tabei's story.

On his uphill journey, Tabei befriends Chung, who later becomes his lover and accompanies him. Also at his command is an elf named Pu, who has psychic powers.


The rest of the movie deals with the travails of their journey. Although the film runs for almost two and a half hours, it will not disappoint you as it takes you through a surrealistic world of magical traditions. With breath-taking visuals and landscapes, Soul on a String is undoubtedly a treat to the eyes.

As the title suggests, Tabei's soul hangs on a string and it’s his karmic journey to the Palm Print Mountain.

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