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Last Updated Wednesday December 16 2020 03:33 AM IST

Visit IFFK at least once in a lifetime: Shaalin Zoya

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Shaalin Zoya Shaalin Zoya

Thiruvananthapuram: When Onmanorama team met actor Shaalin Zoya here, she was busy running from one show to another. The actor, who is participating at IFFK for the first time, said the experience is wonderful.

"It's my first time, and I'm in love with it. No one thinks about food or anything else other than films when here," she said. "Only concern is to watch all the five shows."

"For some movies I had to wait in long queue. There are many wonderful movies here. Some of those are Clash and I, Daniel Blake.

"I also watched the movie Avalude Ravukal. Watching the old black and white film is new experience for us," said Zoya, who sees this festival as a learning platform.

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