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Last Updated Thursday December 17 2020 10:12 AM IST

ReSa's performance kick-starts folk festival in IFFK

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ReSa's performance kick-starts folk festival in IFFK Reshmi Satheesh

Thiruvananthapuram: Turning the 21st International Film Festival of Kerala (IFFK) into a total cultural event, the music band ReSa gave an enchanting performance at the venue near Tagore theater on Saturday.

The band's lead singer Reshmi Satheesh, who is also an actor, presented the rich and appealing aspects of Indian folk tradition, along with a blend of global and native music. The event was organized as part of the Vajra Keralam Folk Festival, the year-long celebration to mark the 60th anniversary of the formation of the State.

The 'ReSa' came the two music notes 'Re' and 'Sa'. The band brought a wide veriety of instruments like drums, guitar, pulluva-veena, edakka, kombu and kuzhal. The band's show was the first in the folk festival.

Apart from Reshmi, the band includes Vinod Sreedevan (lead guitarist), Arunkumar (drummer) and Balachandran alias B.S. Bali (bass).

"The event can be considered as a parallel folk-fest which is capable of resisting cultural fascism", said Kamal, chairman of Chalachitra Academy while presiding over the function.

ReSa's performance kick-starts folk festival in IFFK The band brought a wide variety of instruments like drums, guitar, pulluva-veena, edakka, kombu and kuzhal

The folk festival will be held at the venue near Tagore theater at 7.30 pm everyday between till December 15. The audience will be treated to a variety of folk songs and tribal dances including Mudiyettu, Chavittu Natakam, Tholpavakoothu and Aravanamuttu.

"The event will give the delegates an insight into the rich folk tradition of Kerala," officials said.

Cultural secretary, Rani George IAS inaugurated the function which was attended by Academy secretary Mahesh, C.J. Kuttappan and actress Sajitha Madathil.

The band 'Vayali', with a group of talented musicians led by Vinod Nambiar, will present bamboo music with indigenous percussion instruments on Sunday. On the same day, C.J. Kuttappan and his team will entertain the audience with their folk songs.

Pazhaniswami and his team will stage Irular community's traditional dance and songs on December 12. V N. Narayanakkuruppu Assan and his group will perform Mudiyettu, which is usually performed at Goddess Kali temples, on Dec 13. Mudiyettu is ritual theatre form and consist of seven scenes.

On Dec 14, Ajithkumar and his troupe will perform Chavittu Natakam named 'Charlemagne the Great', originated in 16th century. The play is scripted by Chinnathampi Annavi, who is considered as the founder of this art form.

Moithu Thiruvathra and his team will perform Aravana Muttu (Arabana Muttu) on December 15. On the same day, Ramachandra Pulavar along with his team will perform Tholpavakoothu (shadow puppetry).

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