Enjoy herbal tulsi puttu to rejuvenate in Karkidakam

Tulsi puttu
Photo: Special Arrangement

Tulsi, or Holy Basil, is an aromatic herb renowned for its incredible health and medicinal benefits. Health experts often recommend including Tulsi leaves in the diet to boost immunity. The Malayalam month of Karkidakam emphasizes holistic health, making it an ideal time to enjoy this herbal Tulsi puttu, which is excellent for boosting immunity.

1 cup rice or wheat puttu powder
1 cup grated coconut
Salt as required
1 cup Tulsi leaves
Water as required

Combine the puttu powder, ¾ cup grated coconut, Tulsi leaves, and salt in a mixer jar
Pulse into a soft mix
Add enough water and mix well to the right consistency
Prepare the puttu as usual in a steamer or puttu kutti
Enjoy this nutritious and immunity-boosting dish during Karkidakam for a rejuvenating experience.


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