Many think that the best wine is made out of grapes. However, the delicious beverage can be made of an array of other fruits as well. If you want to try something different, taste the wine made with rose apples aka chambakka, a fruit with a tart and crisp flavour that is abundant in our backyards.

Anyone can prepare it at their home in just 21 days. The basic process for readying the rose apple wine is the same as that of any small-batch wine. It simply tastes great.

1 kg rose apples
1 litre water
1 kilo sugar
5 teaspoon yeast
4 pieces each of cinnamon, clove and cardamom
1 handful of wheat

Wash and clean the rose apples by removing the seeds inside
Pour water so that it should be completely immersed in water
Bring it to a boil and then turn it off
Once it is cooled down, add sugar, yeast, and wheat along with the spices
Stir well and cover it airtight in a glass jar for fermentation
On alternate days, stir it well and cover it airtight again
On the 21st day, strain it in a cloth to get rid of the sediments and store the filtered wine in a bottle