Millets are a storehouse of iron, calcium and fibre and can be enjoyed by everyone. Millet porridge is often the first food of babies while diabetic patients can include millet dishes in their diet to regulate the blood sugar level. Millet idli is easy to prepare and is extremely healthy as it is cooked in steam. Here is the recipe of millet idli.

1 cup millet powder
½ cup urad dal
¼ cup boiled rice
1 ½ cups water
Salt as required


Wash the urad dal and soak them in 1 cup water for 2 hours
Grind the soaked urad dal by adding some water
Into it add grounded rice too
Now add the millet powder and ½ cup water
Mix well
Keep the batter aside for 8 - 12 hours for it to rise (it will taker longer to rise during winter)
Add salt as required
Pour a ladle full of batter in the idli vessel
Steam for 7 - 8 minutes
Enjoy the soft millet idli with spicy and tangy tomato chutney.

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