Here's how to dry fish without sunlight

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Dishes made with dry fish are inevitable part of the Keralite cuisine. Even though they aren't good for those who suffer from high blood pressure, dry fish has many takers. It is easy to prepare dry fish at home even without drying them under the sun. This method would be particularly helpful to those who are settled abroad or are living in flats. Here is how you could dry fish at home without adding any preservatives.
1 kg mackerel
Rock salt as required
1 container
Cut and wash the mackerels
Drain them well
Using a knife, split open the stomach
Add a layer of rock salt in the container
Fill each fish with rock salt
Place them in the container and press
After placing a layer of fishes, sprinkle some rock salt oven them
Now place another layer of salt filled mackerels
Sprinkle the rest of the salt on top and close the lid
Place the container on the lower rack of the fridge
After two days, take it out and drain out the water from the container
Close the container and place it back in the fridge
The container should now be opened only on the fifth day
After five days, open the lid and drain the water that has oozed out
Dry fish is ready; you could store this in fridge
Soak the dry fish in water for some time before cooking to remove excess salt.