

Elders say some dishes should be eaten like “prasadam”, only to a small quantity like the prasadam given out at temples. Yet, some mouth-watering prasadams leave us craving for more. Panchamrutham is one of such. The name itself means a combination of five elixirs – milk, yogurt, honey, sugar and ghee.

Made as an offering at temples during festival times, it is truly an elixir by taste. Make panchamrutham for this pooja with this easy 5-minutes recipe.

1 banana
1/2 cup milk
2 dsp yogurt
2 tbsp honey
1 tbsp water
1 tsp ghee
2 tsp sugar

Peel and chop the bananas, mash 4 pieces and set aside
Mix milk, yogurt, ghee, sugar and water together in a bowl
Add the mashed bananas into it and stir well
Now add the chopped banana to the mix, drizzle honey over it
Your panchamrutham is ready to be relished

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