Couscous is easily incorporated in one too many dishes. With its smooth and fluffy texture, a salad is a highly inviting idea with this versatile ingredient.


1 cup couscous


1 ½ cup water
2 tbsp olive oil
3 tbsp lemon juice
Salt, as required


½ cup chana dal/chickpeas, soaked in water for 4 hours
½ cucumber
½ capsicum
A bunch of coriander leaves

Boil the water

Once it bubbles up, add olive oil, lemon juice and salt
Add couscous to it, blend well and keep under the lid for five minutes
Fluff the couscous with a fork so that you don't mash it
Boil the chickpeas and keep aside
Mix the chickpeas, cucumber, capsicum and coriander leaves together
Add to the couscous mixture and serve

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