Rich, creamy and delicious mango cheese pudding

Mango cheese pudding

Craving for something sweet? Try out our easy mango pudding recipe that you can whip out in a glass. It's a no bake, no egg easy cheese pudding recipe that uses hung curd instead of cream cheese. This three layer pudding takes only a handful of ingredients, some simple steps and a whole lot of patience.

For the pudding
250 gm mango pulp
250 gm hung curd
250 gm cream
Condensed milk for sweetness
For the base
1 packet biscuits
50 gm butter
For garnishing
Pudina leaves/mint leaves

To make hung curd
In a cloth, add in the yogurt leave it overnight or for 3 to 4 hours till all the water goes off from the yogurt
What is left in the cloth is the pure hung curd
For the pudding
Blend the mango in a blender to get a smooth puree
Crush the biscuits and add in the butter, mix well
In a glassware, add in the biscuits base to form a tight base
Refrigerate for 15 minutes
Whisk in the hung curd well to ensure that no lumps are left
In another bowl, add in some cream followed by the hung curd and mix well
Add the condensed milk as required to adjust the sweetness
Take out refrigerated biscuit base
Spread the cream and hung curd mix over the base
Spread the mango puree pulp over it
Refrigerate it again for 2 hours till the pudding sets up
Garnish with mint leaves before serving

You can use the cream cheese which is available in the supermarkets, instead of hung curd.

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