Tasty and unique payar mezhukkupuratti

Tasty and unique payar mezhukkupuratti

Here is a unique recipe of a mezhukkupuratty made with fresh snake beans and the peas inside the ripened pods.

Fresh snake beans (washed and cut into small pieces)
Peas taken from ripened pods of the snake beans
3 tbsp coconut oil
5 -6 shallots (chopped)
3-4 green chilies (halved)
Curry leaves
Salt as required

Heat coconut oil in a pan
Crush the chopped shallots and halved green chilies together and then add it into the oil in the pan
Add some curry leaves and salt as required
Sauté well
Add the snake beans and peas
Roast well without burning the snake beans
A bit of coconut oil could be sprinkled on top of the mezhukkupuratti if required.

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