Mutta meen puttu
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A variation of traditional plain rice puttu, the fish and egg stuffed puttu will blow your mind off, for it's delicious even while remaining uncomplicated.
1 cup chopped fish
½ cup pearl onions
3 green chilies cut lengthwise
1 tsp thinly chopped ginger
1 tsp chopped garlic
1 tsp red chili powder
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
A pinch of cumin
2 stalks curry leaves
2 Malabar tamarinds
Sufficient quantity salt
1 cup grated coconut
1 cup puttu powder
½ tbsp oil
4 eggs
1 cut green chili
1 large onion finely sliced
Salt, as required
Mix ingredients marked under 1 well and transfer to a pan. Add a little water and cook Remove from stove along with a little gravy
Pick out the fish pieces alone from the cooked mixture. Make smaller pieces and keep aside
Remove curry leaves and Malabar tamarind from the gravy and blend the gravy in a mixer
Pour into a pan. Mix thin coconut milk with it. Stir and boil it. Keep aside
Keep the puttu powder soaked
Heat a little oil in the pan. Add ingredients listed under 5 beaten well into it, stir and fry
Add soaked puttu powder and fish pieces into it and mix
Steam it in a putu maker
Serve along with the prepared gravy