Malai moon

A crème de la crème sweet dish, the malai moon is creamy and totally slurp-worthy. Made with homemade paneer and rose-flavoured extra malai, this dessert looks its sensuous best when arranged the way we have prescribed!

1 litre milk
75 ml vinegar
100gm sugar

For separate malai

1 litre milk
100 gm sugar

For flavour and garnish

½ tsp rosewater
10 gm milk khoya
½ tsp pistachio chopped finely

Boil the first litre of milk and then curdle it using the vinegar. Strain the curdled milk through a muslin cloth and prepare paneer
Make a dry dough of the paneer and make into little half-moons
Make a thick sugar syrup using the 100 gm sugar and water
To this syrup, add the paneer pieces and boil for 15 minutes
Once cooled, keep in fridge and chill
Boil the second litre of milk along with the sugar and make this a really thick mixture
Refrigerate this mixture and then add the rose water once it is chilled
Make a cone out of banana leaf, place the paneer pieces in the cone
On top of this, add the chilled milk malai mix
Decorate with grated Khoya and chopped pistachios before serving

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