Keralites share a special bond with the annual festival Onam and the iconic Onasadya. However, this year, many tried to limit the sadya to just a few dishes as the world is struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, noted food vlogger Firoz Chuttipara has amazed his viewers with a unique and grand Onasadya that had almost 100 dishes. He says that a few women in the neighbourhood helped him prepare the dishes.

Salt, ghee, inji puli, mango pickle, stir fries made with cabbage, beetroot, carrot and pumpkin, mixed fruits masala curry, avial, kootu curry, pappadam, banana, fried chillies, bitter gourd, pazham sharkkara, pickles made with ivy gourd, drum stick and gooseberries, egg plant stir fry, peanut stir fry, tapioca crispies, lady finger and banana blossom stir fry, cauliflower chilli, soybean masala, beetroot pachadi, stir fries made with tapioca, spinach, papaya, plantain stem, elephant yam, green and red spinach, pumpkin leaves and spring onion, sambar, rasam, buttermilk and desserts like ada prathaman, yellow split gram payasam and wheat payasam were some of the dishes in the mega sadya that was served on a giant plantain leaf.


The video instantly became viral and Firoz's viewers are congratulating him for giving them such a spectacular culinary extravaganza.

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