Celebs are staying indoors just like everyone else and interacting with their fans mostly through social media during the lockdown. Actor Dulquer Salman, in a nostalgic Facebook post, revisited his childhood days when he used to climb mango trees, and enjoy sour gooseberries.

The post has already become viral as it reflects the 'sweetness and excitement' of childhood. The actor wrote that every home he ever lived in, had a gooseberry tree. Sharing a picture of a bowl full of bilimbi, Dulquer wrote, "My childhood, especially my grandparents' homes were full of memories of trees full of berries, nellikka (gooseberries), chemeen/irumban puli (bilimbi), cherries, chambakka (Semarang rose apples), climbing trees for raw mangoes, tamarind and chewing on cinnamon leaves with my sister and our cousins! I pray and wish for kids today to experience the same. And hopefully that will always be a part of our fabric!"

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