Firoz, hailing from Chuttippara near Kalleppully in Palakkad had stepped into the world of the Youtube Cookery scene, dominated by designer kitchens and microwave ovens, clad in his tucked up lungi. His cookery show, held by the side of an open paddy field and with his sweet Palakkadan dialect soon became a top hit in the Youtube. 'Likes' started to flow in thousands. Soon, Firoz Chuttippara became a social media star. His charity act of donating the huge quantities of food cooked for the show to children from orphanages also became a big hit. Firoz's videos also flaunt the natural beauty of the Palakkadan landscape as well.

It was a feature that he came across in Malayala Manorama six years ago that had sparked off the notion of a Youtube channel for Firoz. He had started a couple of channels, including a Travel Channel and a Craft Channel, but none could succeed. From 2007 to 2012, Firoz was working in Saudi Arabia. Once, when he came home on leave, Firoz decided that he was not returning and opened a Photostat shop, which had to be shut down within one and a half years.


To the question that what was his next plan, Firoz came up with the wild notion of a Youtube channel. He opened an office of his own, and started a Youtube channel under the name Craft Media. It was his culinary experience during the NRI days, cooking for his friends that had prompted him to take up cooking. However, the three stones that Firoz had lined up on that paddy field, had changed his fate altogether. His 20 kilogram fish curry, the 50 egg omelette, the Erachi Chor and Biryani became rages in the social media, celebrated by his huge fan base.

Firoz got the confidence that he could depend upon the Youtube channel to generate an income by Rs 8500 that arrived at his bank account after opening the channel. And then, there was no looking back for Firoz.

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