How to store chapatis the right way: Simple hacks to maintain softness

Chapati. Photo: iStock/subodhsathe

Who doesn’t love chapatis with steaming hot channa masala, dal fry, or butter chicken? The Indian flatbreads burst with flavour when they are soft, and one should be careful while storing them to maintain their softness. Most households store chapatis meant for later consumption in a casserole, but they can become rough and rubbery if not stored properly. Here are some tips to maintain the freshness of chapatis:

Preheat the thermoware
Make sure to gently warm the thermoware before storing the chapatis. To do this, wash the container with hot water and then wipe it completely dry. A warm casserole will help retain heat better and ensure that the chapatis stay soft and tasty.

Wrap chapatis in a cotton cloth
You can keep the chapatis soft by wrapping them in a clean, dry cotton cloth before placing them in the casserole. The cotton cloth absorbs excess moisture, helping the chapatis remain fresh and soft.

Chapati with dal and vegetable curries. Photo: Shutterstock/asmiphotoshop

Don’t stack hot chapatis
Hot chapatis release steam, and if stacked immediately after cooking, the moisture can cause them to become soggy. To prevent this, allow the chapatis to cool slightly before stacking them. This reduces moisture buildup and helps keep the chapatis dry.

Apply ghee
Brushing chapatis with a small amount of ghee will help keep them soft. The fat acts as a barrier to lock in the softness.

Use butter paper between chapatis
If you’re making many chapatis at once, place butter paper between each one. This improves air circulation and prevents the chapatis from sticking together.

Close the casserole tightly
Ensure the casserole lid is tightly closed to keep the chapatis soft and fresh for longer. A tightly-sealed casserole maintains the right temperature and prevents the chapatis from sticking together.

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