Why your kitchen needs a spaghetti ladle: Practical uses explained

Spaghetti  ladle
Spaghetti ladle. Photo: SHutterstock/Chatham172

If you have bought a ladle or kitchen spoon set, you might have come across a hand-shaped tool with a round hole in the middle. For someone who is not an avid cook, the tool might look odd and leave them wondering about its use. Well, let us explain.

Spaghetti ladles, also known as spaghetti servers or pasta forks, are specialized kitchen tools used for serving and handling long pasta such as spaghetti, linguine, and fettuccine.

The middle hole in a spaghetti ladle is typically used for measuring portions of dry pasta. By threading the dry pasta through the hole, you can ensure you are preparing the right amount for one person, making it easier to control portion sizes and avoid cooking too much or too little pasta.

A portion of spaghetti measured in a spoon
A portion of spaghetti measured in a spoon. Photo: Shutterstock/Marietjie

Here are the primary uses of a pasta ladle:

1. Serving pasta
The prongs of the spaghetti ladle grip the pasta strands, making it easier to lift and serve portions of pasta without them slipping off.

2. Measuring portions
Many spaghetti ladles have a hole in the centre, which can be used to measure a single serving of dry pasta. This helps in portion control before cooking.

3. Stirring and mixing
The ladle can be used to stir the pasta while it's cooking to prevent it from sticking together or to the pot.

Woman draining freshly cooked pasta
Woman draining freshly cooked pasta. Photo: Shuttesrtock/elebeZoom

4. Scooping and draining pasta
After the pasta is cooked, the ladle can be used to scoop and transfer the pasta from the pot to a serving dish or plate, allowing any excess water to drain off through the slots or holes.

Overall, spaghetti ladles are designed to make handling and serving long pasta more convenient and efficient.

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