The long rows of plump 'pedalamariyan' variety of plantains on the farmland owned by Kandamangalath Krishnan in Rajakkad is a fabulous sight to view. The plantain variety, locally called pedalamariyan, is known for its amazing fruit-bearing quality. Interestingly, the huge plantain bundles could weigh up to 35 kilos. This variety is naturally immune to diseases and other bacterial attacks.

Krishnan says that the pedalamariyan variety perfectly suits the weather conditions in the high range. He decided to start plantain farming after the vegetable season ended. Besides, he has also planted tapioca and bean varieties that could be harvested in just six months, as mid crops. Last season, he created a record by successfully cultivating 64 varieties of vegetables. Krishnan’s farmland is an excellent ‘university’ for farmers, researchers and agriculture students to learn the various techniques of farming.


The veteran farmer has been honoured with multiple awards for his amazing contribution to the growth of regional agriculture.

Krishnan says it has never been a task for him to find a market for his fresh produce as he mostly sells vegetables and plantains at the Vegetable and Fruit Promotion Council Kerala's agricultural market. Besides, sellers from even distant places reach here to purchase Krishnan’s produce. Krishnan is all set to farm 101 varieties of vegetables, fruits and tubers for next season. His wife Radha often helps him in the farmland. 

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