Ten foods to naturally lower your uric acid level

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Uric acid is the final oxidation product that is formed when the body break down purines. Usually, uric acid gets mixed in blood and is later filtered by kidney and expelled through urine. However, the level of uric acid may increase if you consume food items that are high in purines. They could get deposited in joints and cause a condition called gout. Kidney stones too may be caused by high uric acid. These are some of the food items that could naturally help in lowering the uric acid level.

1. Apple cider vinegar
The malic acid in apple cider vinegar breaks down the uric acid and helps in elimination it from the body.
2. Green Tea
The anti oxidant catechin in green tea can weaken the enzymes that produce uric acid.
3. Citrus fruits
Citrus fruits like orange and lemons help in lowering the uric acid levels.
4. Fibre rich foods
These help in the absorption of uric acid into the blood and then expelling them.

5. Cherries
Cherries contain anti inflammatory enzymes like antoecian which lowers the uric acid level.
6. Vegetable juice
Homemade vegetable juice made with carrots, beetroot and cucumber can control the uric acid level.

7. Low fat milk products
Lot fat milk and milk products could be included in the diet to control the uric acid in body.

8. Olive oil
Olive oil has anti oxidant and anti inflammatory properties that could lower the uric acid level.
9. Omega 3 fatty acids
Sea food is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Consuming omega 3 fatty acids could ease the pain and swelling in joints caused by uric acid.

10. Water
Most waste products including excessive uric acid is often expelled through urine. So, do not forget to drink enough water to keep the uric acid levels in control. Two to three litres of water a day can be ideal.