Most Indian households depend on gas stoves for cooking these days. However, a burner that doesn’t light properly may topple your schedule as the food items may take longer to cook. Besides, it could cause fuel wastage too. If the flame becomes feeble, make sure that the burner is functioning properly, before changing the gas cylinder.

People often complain that they do not have time to give the stove outside for repair and maintenance. It is easy to clean the burner or do the maintenance of the stove at home itself.


Often, the cause of disrupted flames is blocked burner holes. If there is dirt or residue buildup trapped in the burner or pipe, the flames would look more yellow and orange-ish over the clear blue one it supposed to be. The holes on the burner get blocked when food items get stuck. The burner wouldn’t function properly if the holes get dusty or become moist. You could solve this easily by cleaning the burner.

Mix lemon juice or vinegar in hot water and soak the burners in it for a few hours. Use a sharp edged skewer to clean the holes. However, in case the skewer breaks and gets stuck in the hole, then it would be really difficult to take it out. So, make sure that the skewer is sturdy. Wipe the burner to remove any moisture before placing it back. You could easily clean the dust particles that get deposited in the burner like this.


The flame may become feeble if the burner cap isn’t tightened. The burner cap protects the inner parts of the stove and helps in evenly spreading the fuel. If you remove the burner cap to clean, then make sure that it is put back properly; else, the fuel may not be evenly distributed. It may cause the flame to become lower.  

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