The season of jackfruits in Kerala is almost drawing to a close. Jackfruit, the official state fruit of Kerala, has gained popularity in the market as fruit bulbs - raw and ripe, pickles, powder and many other forms. The jackfruit seeds have also gained a similar status, of late.

On the online platforms, one can find the humble jackfruit seeds being sold for anything between Rs 450 to Rs 800 per kilogram. The jackfruit seed has become a star when the jackfruit powder is priced at an average of Rs 600 to Rs 800 per kg. Mostly, the food processing companies based in Kerala and Tamil Nadu are into processing, branding and marketing jackfruit seeds in the market.


The jackfruit seed is a storehouse of various vitamins and minerals. The B vitamins - thiamin and riboflavin - are aplenty in the jackfruit seeds. Moreover, as the starch in the jackfruit seeds is not quickly digestible, it can satiate hunger and regulate blood glucose levels. Studies indicate that this property of the jackfruit seeds can help ease the digestion process and prevent general digestion problems. The Chinese are said to have traditionally used jackfruit seeds to treat digestive issues.

The fruit bulbs of the jackfruit, ripe and raw, are also full of different kinds of nutrients. Jackfruit is one of the rare fruits which have all the B complex vitamins in it. It is a rich source of Vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine), niacin, riboflavin and folic acid. It also has minerals including potassium, magnesium, manganese and iron which are vital for our health and well-being.


Jackfruit is also rich in Vitamin C, which helps the human body develop immunity and Vitamin A.