For many of us, it is always a herculean task to knock off stubborn belly fat. Even the body exhaustion that comes with a fever can’t really reduce the fat around the belly. Reducing belly fat isn’t just about keeping your body in shape, it also helps to keep your cholesterol in check. Excess belly fat can lead to heart problems, type 2 diabetes, cancer etc.

We offer you 5 drinks that will help in reducing belly fat. Add that along with your regular exercise and diet.

Green tea

Green tea is a favourite of those who are trying to lose weight. The antioxidants present in green tea not just remove toxic waste from your body but also help in preventing cancer. Adding green tea not just improves your health and keeps you energized, but is also good for your brain.


Black coffee

It helps in improving your metabolism and burning the fat from your body. Having a cup before a workout helps in burning the calories faster. But make sure to avoid sugar in your coffee as it adds up the calories.

Black coffee next to coffee beans. Photo: Shutterstock/Africa Studio
Black coffee next to coffee beans. Photo: Shutterstock/Africa Studio

Jeera water

Jeera helps in curbing appetite as well as burning calories effectively. This herb which is a regular feature in Indian curries also aids in digestion. Drinking a glass of lukewarm jeera boiled water after a workout is a very good idea.


Fennel seed water

Soaking a tablespoon of fennel seeds overnight and straining and consuming it the next morning helps not only in weight loss but also in removing toxic waste from our body. It is also good for digestion and acidity.

Photo Credit : SAM THOMAS A /
Photo Credit : SAM THOMAS A /

Ajwain seeds water

After soaking two tbsp of roasted Ajwain seeds overnight, strain and drink it the next morning. It helps in digestion, improves metabolism and also absorbs more vitamins into your body. To avoid gastric issues some people add Ajwain seeds with the chapati dough.