Noted actress and dancer Shobana often posts dance videos on her social media. This time, she entertained her viewers by posting an interesting cooking video. When one of the viewers asked her whether cooking omelette was a big thing, Shobana replied that for someone who is busy with studies and runs a dance school, cooking something as simple as an omelet in the morning is indeed a task.

Shobana had prepared easy scrambled eggs for breakfast in the video. She sautéed some garlic in olive oil and poured the eggs mixed by cream cheese.


Shobana likes cooking while enjoying the pleasant morning sun rays that come in through her window. She adds that even a mundane breakfast can be quite appreciated when it comes from her.

The beautiful dancer thinks that real cooking is more about following your heart. She also thanks everyone who cooks with all their heart.


Meanwhile, people have been commenting about how clean her kitchen looks. They are also impressed by Shobana's effortless cooking.  

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