New Delhi: Actor Alia Bhatt finds home-cooked food most delicious and says she has always loved and been attached to 'dal-chawal.'

"Home-cooked food is the best. I remember whenever my mom would cook pasta for me, I would ask for my dal-chawal. I have always loved and been attached to dal-chawal as a dish," Alia, 26, told IANS.


The 'Raazi' actor has recently turned brand ambassador for potato chip brand Lay's, along with beau Ranbir Kapoor, for which they also appeared in their first-ever television commercial. Asked if the two have tried cooking together, Alia said, "Well that's a no."

However, she does open up about her comfort food and go-to health food.


"My comfort food is khichdi, french fries, and dal-chawal! Honestly, my go-to health food be maintaining a balanced diet of vegetables and carbohydrates. Also, I absolutely love fruits!"

How does she stay fit?


"I do a combination of routines which include pilates and sometimes, swimming or a badminton session. I believe it's very important to be active physically everyday even when it looks very difficult to manage amidst the busy schedules," she quips.