Ever since our jackfruit began grabbing the limelight for its amazing health benefits, the demand for this fleshy fruit has soared. It has been widely used as a major replacement for the meat products, especially after veganism gained worldwide popularity. Now, the lovers of this sweet fruit are busy developing unique jackfruit recipes and discovering amazing ways in which it can be included in our daily diet.

From jackfruit cake and ice cream to the delicious jackfruit jam and peda, the fruit has taken up many forms to treat our sweet tooth. Jackfruit, which was once snubbed as a smelly fruit, now, is hailed for its great flavour, texture and nutritional values.

Jackfruit has earned vital positions in the cuisines of other places, in different forms and names. Gariyo is a popular tea time snack made with ripe jackfruit, in Mangaluru. Rice flour, ripe jackfruit, sugar and grated coconut are mixed well, and small balls of it are then fried in hot oil.

Know these jackfruit dishes that are popular around the country
Jackfruit icecream

Pansache donas is a delicious Goan jackfruit cake, with the added goodness of crunchy semolina, jaggery and coconut. The dry fruits roasted in ghee elevate the flavour of this cake.

The jackfruit puddings are quite famous in Karnataka and West Bengal. Jackfruit is the main ingredient in phanas poli, which is a rice cake served in Maharashtra.

Kathal ki thehari or jackfruit biryani is a unique delicacy in Uttar Pradesh. The raw jackfruit bulbs are roasted in spices, yogurt and shallots and then cooked with fragrant biryani rice. This tasty dish is as popular as their famous mutton pulao.


Enjorar dalna is a jackfruit dish which is served during the special occasions in West Bengal. It is often served as a replacement for chicken dishes.

Jackfruit biryani is a unique dish that isn't frequently tried by the jackfruit lovers in Kerala. In the eastern part of the country, mustard seeds are generously added in the jackfruit biryani, while the North Indians love the fragrant garam masala in their kathal ki thehari. In the southern parts, chilli and coconut dominate the jackfruit biryani.

A special dish prepared with crushed jackfruit seeds, chillies and shallots cooked in mustard oil is a staple in many North Eastern states in India. Chekke kuru pajji is a jackfruit seeds chutney prepared in Kodagu. The crunchy chakka bajji is quite popular in the Konkan region.

Know these jackfruit dishes that are popular around the country
Jackfruit biryani
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