Here is an opportunity to learn more about different varieties of fowls and take home some among them. The Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) in Ernakulam is organizing a fair to promote safe egg and meat production at Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) from June 27 where visitors can familiarize themselves with kadaknath and several other indigenous fowls.

Apart from kadaknath, visitors to the fair can buy chicks of local Thalassery and RIR breeds that can be reared at home. Kadaknath chicks will be brought for sale from the National Poultry Development Corporation in Mumbai and Thalassery and RIR chicks from the poultry farm of Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University. The chicks will be given the necessary vaccinations before being handed over to buyers.


Kadaknath - called 'karinkozhi' in Kerala - is a variety that is native to Jhabua and Dhar districts of Madhya Pradesh. The fowl lays 70-90 eggs a year. A cock weighs 1.5 - 2 kg when it becomes an adult and a hen 1 - 1.5 kg. The hen starts laying eggs when it is six months old.

Thalassery fowl is a common breed found in Kerala while RIR (Rhode Island Red) can yield eggs as well as meat. While Thalassery fowl hatches its eggs, RIR is not keen to practice this habit. However, RIR lays 200-250 eggs a year.


At the fair being organized at KVK’s outlet in CMFRI, near High Court Junction in Ernakulam, the chicks will be available for sale from 10 am on June 27. The fowls will be sold on first come first served basis and there is no advance booking. The price of a unit of kadaknath is Rs 1,325, Thalassery Rs 1,075 and RIR Rs 900. Each unit includes three female chicks and two male chicks which are two months old.

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