Magical pineapple has a lot in store for you
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The prickly pineapple, though a tad tough to clean and slice, is a potential health bomb that has wondrous properties to squeeze out the extra flab from your body. Though thorny on the outside, it's all sweet and syrupy inside. Even the discarded skin can turn into wine and vinegar in the deft hands of expert cooks the world over.
While 86% of the fruit is water, 13% is rich in carbohydrates. It's therefore a no-fat fruit. About 100 gm of the fruit holds only 50 calories. Yet it's a storehouse of several vitamins and minerals. Studies say the fruit with its rich deposit of Bromelain can fight cancer, bring down body inflammations, and boost immunity. Apart from this wonder panacea, it is a rich source of manganese and Vitamin C.
Easy on the tummy
The Bromelain content in the fruit helps to break down food thereby aiding digestion. It eases tummy discomfort and goes easy on bloating and stomach inflammations. Like most other vegetables and fruits, the pineapple is also a rich source of fibre. Studies say the fruit is a wonder cure for indigestion, loose stools and for those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.
Fights cancer
Fruits and vegetables rich in colour yellow have cancer-fighting properties, say researchers. It's said that the enzyme called Bromelain in the pineapple has the power to curb the proliferation of carcinogens.
Strong for bones
Being rich in manganese, the fruit builds bone density and aids in its growth. It also boosts muscle strength.
Helps you see better
The large source of Vitamin-C, pineapple enhances eye sight and keeps eyes healthy. It's a proven fact that the onset of cataract-related ailments can be stalled by a regular intake of the fruit.
For a flawless skin
Pineapple helps build the nutrition-rich collagen. Collagen is the main structural protein found in the skin. It enhances the beauty of the skin and keeps it firm and supple. The Bromelain again keeps acne and pimples, wrinkles and blemishes at bay and keeps the skin young and healthy.
For stronger teeth
The fruit strengthens gums and keeps the teeth firm in their place. It's a natural protector of dental health.
Lowers blood pressure
Eat pineapple regularly for a healthy heart. The mineral potassium of which the fruit has a rich store eases pressure on blood vessels and assures the body of unhindered blood circulation. This ensures protection from heart attacks and strokes.
Fights obesity
Here is one fruit that's highly effective in the battle against the bulge. The best part of the deal is that as the fruit is low on calories, eating a lot of it fills the tummy, keeps hunger pangs at bay and never packs on the fat. The fibre and water present in the pineapple keeps the body fit and healthy.