Will not work with composer who sought ‘compromise’, says singer Gowry Lekshmi

Gowry Lekshmi said one music composer had misbehaved with her. Photo: Instagram

More and more celebrities are coming out with revelations on demands for ‘compromise’ by people occupying key positions in the Malayalam film industry and singer Gowry Lekshmi is among them. “Some music directors will tell you that they will give you a chance to sing only if you agree to their sexual demands,” said Gowry.
According to Gowry, she too had to work with such a composer once. “However, I resolved to never work with him again,” the singer told ‘Manorama Online’.“Compromise exists not only in the film industry but also in every other sector and playback singing is no exception. In my case, even though I decided not to work with a particular music director, not every one of his peers is similar to him. There are several composers who gave me respect and also good emoluments,” said Gowry.
She also said that nobody admits to facing such situations. “But, I have never been worried over losing chances to sing for rejecting demands to compromise. In fact, I don’t give any importance to such matters,” she said.
“All I can do is write and sing songs. But, beyond it, I have a life of my own. I will continue to work with people who I am comfortable with,” said Gowry.

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