Singer Abhaya Hiranmayi recently opened up about the reason why she parted ways with music composer Gopi Sundar. The singer who got candid about her personal life while attending a program aired on a private television channel revealed that confusion and misunderstandings may be the reason for their split. She then went on to say she still misses him.

“We had lived together for almost 14 years. We thought that we would get married when we both felt the need for it. However, somethings changed in between and we started finding it difficult to understand each other, which is why our relationship didn’t end up in marriage. Now, I give prominence to my career. I couldn’t concentrate on my career as I gave priority to personal life. I was like a home maker. I was responsible for managing the household chores. Meanwhile, Gopi was always busy. I couldn’t concentrate on music much. But, I was really happy in my former life. I am happy now too!”, Abhaya said.


Abhaya Hiranmayi got noticed after she sang ‘ Khalbil Thenozhukana Koyikode’ composed by Gopi Sundar. Now, she is an up coming model too. Abhaya’s stylish looks and fashion photo shoots have many admirers.