Malayalam music director Kaithapram Viswanathan Namboothiri, who famously gave music to Jayaraj's movie Kannaki, is no more. He was 58.

He was undergoing treatment for cancer at Kozhikode.

Viswanathan was the brother of renowned lyricist and musician Kaithapram Damodaran Namboothiri.

He was born in the Kaithapram village in Kannur in 1963. Viswanathan attained the Ganabhooshanam title from the Swathi Thirunal College of Music in Thiruvananthapuram.


He worked as a music teacher at Mathamangalam School in Kannur and the Rajah's HSS, Nileswaram.

Later, he started Sruthilaya, a music school at Payyannur.


His movie debut was as the assistant to his brother Kaithapram Damodaran in Jayaraj's award-winning movie Deshadanam.

He gave music to 23 Malayalam movies, including Dileep-starrer Thilakkam and Ekandham. He won the state award for best background score for Kannaki.

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