After delivering super hits in Tamil and Telugu, young starlet Kalyani Priyadarshan had been waiting for a splendid entry to Malayalam cinema. She enjoyed her Malayalam debut ‘Varane Avashyamundu’ as the set was almost like her family. The movie was directed by Anoop Sathyan, who is the son of her father’s close friend Sathyan Anthikad. Her joy knew no limits when she reached the sets of ‘Hridayam’ as it was like a reunion of childhood friends. Pranav Mohanlal was the hero while Vineeth Sreenivasan was the director and writer. Meanwhile, Sithara Suresh was the executive producer of ‘Hridayam’. The cheerful friends were elated and cherished every moment of the making of the film.

Has your dream been fulfilled?

Yes. Since childhood I have been dreaming to do a movie with friends, enjoying every bit of it. I had begun dreaming about it ever since I visited my father’s sets as a child. I am lucky that my dream got fulfilled through the movie ‘Hridayam’.


Was it your decision to act as a young mother?

Definitely, yes! Vineethettan narrated the story of the movie in four hours. I couldn’t stop smiling throughout the narration. That smile remained on my face and in my mind for almost three hours after Vineeth left. That is what made me do this role.

Why did you decide to essay such a character despite having lesser screen time?


More than how long you have been on the screen, what matters the most is how well you have done the role. My character appears on the screen after around 70% of the movie is done. However, after that, I have an active screen presence. I did my portions well. From the responses that we get, we assume that our efforts have paid off.

Maanaadu’ is a big hit in Tamil Nadu!

‘Maanaadu’ has become one of the biggest post-Covid hits in Tamil Nadu. The grand success of that movie had been a great advantage for everyone, including Simbu and me. It indeed is an incredible achievement as far as Tamil cinema is concerned.


New projects

I have been listening to many interesting topics in Tamil and Malayalam. I don’t mind the language if I like the theme. I am currently acting in ‘Thallumaala’ opposite Tovino. The filming of that movie is likely to wrap up in March. 

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