The Kerala Film Producers Association (KFPA) has revealed that the industry has faced over Rs 650 to Rs 700 crore losses in 2024. In a press release issued on Saturday, producers association secretary B Rakesh said the industry spent Rs 1,000 crore as production charges for 199 new films and five re-releases. “However, we only received Rs 350 crore as profit, while we incurred losses up to the tune of Rs 650 to Rs 700 crore losses,” he said. According to B Rakesh, actors continue to demand high remuneration rates, which is breaking the backs of producers. “Despite our frequent requests, these actors are unwilling to reduce their pay packages. If this continues, the film industry will face huge losses,” he added.

The association revealed that only one of the five re-release films made profit this year. “Devadoothan directed by Sibi Malayil was the only re-release film that did good business this year. The rest of the movies were flops and did not make any money,” the release stated.
As per the data released by the association, only 26 films brought good business to theatres. This includes average hits, hits and superhits. Interestingly, five films entered the Rs 100 crore club this year, unlike in 2023, which could only boast of one film '2018: Everyone is a Hero', that crossed Rs 100 crore in collections. Though the film industry expected some good business from pan-Indian movies this year, most of them didn't generate a major buzz in theatres in Kerala.