Actor Keerthy Suresh is set to marry her childhood friend, Antony Thattil, on December 12th in Goa. The wedding will be a private affair, with only close family members and friends in attendance. The celebrations will take place in two ceremonies, with the first one scheduled for the morning of the 12th. Guests have been given a special dress code for the event.

The wedding invitation has been released, officially announcing the event. It states that the ceremony will be a private occasion and requests the prayers and blessings of everyone.


Antony, an engineer by profession, is now a successful businessman and the owner of Asperos Window Solutions, a company based in Kerala. In the lead-up to the wedding, Keerthy visited the Tirupati Venkateswara Temple for a darshan, accompanied by her father Suresh Kumar, mother Menaka Suresh, and sister Revathi Suresh.

Keerthy Suresh is the younger daughter of film producer Suresh Kumar and Menaka Suresh Kumar. She made her film debut opposite Mohanlal in the 2013 movie 'Geethanjali', directed by Priyadarshan. Following that, she expanded her career into other South Indian languages and quickly became a sought-after star.


Keerthy garnered critical acclaim for her performance in the Telugu film 'Mahanati', for which she won the National Award for Best Actress. She is now gearing up for her Bollywood debut with the upcoming film 'Baby John'.

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